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*PIQUE is a gallery and bed and breakfast. This makes it hard to have regular gallery hours. Please see our calendar and Facebook page for open events, and feel free to call/text Lindsey about times to come see the gallery:

p r e s e n t s

Attend on Zoom - the Student Showcase, Perform-A-rama and the Block Party with this link:
Send an email to for any connection
issues. ***All times on this page are Eastern Standard Time***

Perform-A-rama Student Showcase features live performances from 5 Art Academy of Cincinnati performance art students.
Featured Students -
Erica Fitzgerald , Cleö Daniels, Krista Sheneman, Mike Lee, Madeline Ionna
April 22, 7:13

On April 30 at 7:13 pm, Pique will host a follow up Block Party. The Block Party will feature breakout room discussions for each quarter of Perform-A-Rama and Dance Party.
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